Wednesday, April 13, 2011

allwork and noplay makesanya adullgirl


  1. all it says is "allwork and noplay makesanya adullgirl " and i dont think it was posted by you or todd

  2. I know that. Since there's only one computer in the house and I've been on it both before AND after this post, Todd couldn't have done it. And I've been on Youtube this entire time watching stuff like Hetalia and Whose Line, so I couldn't have done it.

    Nobody else has the password. I wonder how this was posted.

  3. Its very wierd, change your password. and look thro your compuer for files you didnt instal and do a virus scan.

  4. I have. No viruses or anything...

  5. well thats good, but still weird. just keep watch of the computer, never know what could happen
