Thursday, June 30, 2011


We've been out of the house for a while now. We didn't have any way to prove who we were, and we had no place to live, so we've been focusing on that instead of the blog.

I haven't seen my friends for a while now. I've asked around town, but nobody with their names has ever stayed there. In fact, they claim no one with my name stayed around here, either. Maybe I was just forgotten. I don't know. It seems likely.

We have been getting notes. Todd's worried that it might mean something, but I'm not so sure. I may just be so used to getting the notes that I can't think anything of them.

But it's just so weird. And we can't tell anyone except those on this blog. It's just so... so... I don't know. Alienating, I guess. Like Todd and I have a secret everyone should know but no one wants to hear and no one believes.

You know, it's kind of strange. We've got our identities back in tact and everything, or at least as much as we could, but something still doesn't feel right. I know the house we used to live in burned down, or at least the top floor did. I may just be a bit paranoid. I had lived in that house for so long that it feels strange not to. Still can't get recording equipment though.

Our neighbors are strange people, though. On the first day, we got a knock at the door and through the window I saw a young girl running away. I open the door and on the ground was Todd's PSP, slightly burned from being in the fire but not too badly damaged. We both checked it out and found some disturbing audio/video/images on it. I was going to upload all of the files once I bought a new mini USB cable, but before bed I noticed Todd outside on the back porch smashing the PSP.

We've still been seeing the man, too, so Todd's called a paranormal activity organization to help us out. I don't know what that will do, but it seems to make Todd feel better about our situation so I didn't stop him. It'll be really interesting to see what plays out, so I'll make sure to write down everything said.

You know, it was awkward the first couple of days in this house. We had nothing, save for the laptop I managed to save just from the coincidence of having it in my arms and not plugged in to anything when the fire started and one small blanket we found in a closet. It wasn't much of a problem, but we had to sleep so close together those nights that either of us would wake up sometimes and we'd be hugging. It's still kind of empty here, but at least we have separate sleeping bags now.

I don't know what else to say... I think I should go.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Todd was the mysterious person. I know this for a fact now. For days he wasn't letting me into his room, but today he finally opened the door. The walls were covered in what looked like notes. A few masks were scattered on the floor. Masks that weren't from the pile in the closet.

He's said he was sorry about a thousand times. I still trust him, but now things are different. I knew something was fishy when I found him on the floor with a mask on that day so long ago.. I just hadn't seen a normal person in so long, I never really thought anything of it. Never put the pieces of the puzzle together.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't help him very well. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I wish I could help him. Maybe I can't help him. Maybe I can. I don't know... I just don't know.

Do I care too much? I can't leave Todd's side right now. I know he wants to prove it's not his fault that things turned out this way. But

I think there's more than one mysterious person. We both heard a thump downstairs and found the door wide open. Someone other than us was here, and it couldn't have been my friends.

I don't think Todd and I will get any sleep tonight.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sorry, again

We woke up one morning to find the laptop smashed. My friends have been scrounging round for money ever since. The new laptop had a camera on it yesterday when we were setting it up (we took pictures and everything as a test) but when we got up today the camera looked like it had been dug out with a knife. The images are missing, too. I guess that's that.

The other day was so odd... I woke up to find Todd standing outside. The REAL outside. He sounded like he was talking to someone, but when I looked out the window, he was alone. And sleepwalking. But that's not the point. We haven't bargained with the mysterious person at all lately. How Todd was able to stand outside in the REAL outside, we'll never know. I can't open the door without seeing weird Silent Hill world, so I knocked on the window hard enough to jar him awake. He came inside and told me he was outside, the real outside. Unfortunately, Todd doesn't know how he got there or who he was talking to.

Since the last post, all the notes have just said "TODD" and had a scribbling that looks like one or two of the masks in the pile that's accumulating in the closet. I should really find a way to get rid of those things.

Also, you wouldn't believe it, but Todd and I have been living together for so long it's almost like we can read eachother's minds now. Strange, huh?